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BOOSTane Professional Octane Booster
€0,00 EUR

There are a lot of additives that make claims about what they can do for your performance. BOOSTane is not one of those fuel additives. Using our exclusive blend, our BOOSTane Professional octane booster can raise your octane upwards of 23 points. This gas octane booster is specifically engineered for racing, which demands a higher octane. If you’re looking to maximize your racing performance, get your hands on a can of BOOSTane Professional. The results will speak for themself.
Get BOOSTANE Professional Octane Booster and turn the pump gas in your tank to a high performance race fuel equivalent.
- Will raise your effective octane fuel number 23 points up to 116 Octane!
- Use our very own BOOSTANE App to blend exactly to your necessary specifications
- Safe for use with catalytic converters and O2 Sensors
- Won’t settle out of solution and become ineffective in your tank, due to our proprietary carriers
- Stabilizes against phase separation from ethanol supplementation (E10)
- Works in all internal combustion engines, from powerboats and high performance street cars to motorcycles and ATV’s, Naturally Aspirated or Forced Induction, your peace of mind is here.